⚠️ Update Notice
Because of the sudden issues with Cloudflare, we had to rewrite our DNS logic.
You may report issues to our email if you find any instability.
Variant | DNS-over-HTTPS | Description |
Unfiltered | https://0ms.dev/dns-query | Upstream to Cloudflare's DNS with per-request pacing. Download .mobileconfig for Apple users. |
Security | https://0ms.dev/dns-security | Upstream to Cloudflare's DNS with per-request pacing. Download .mobileconfig for Apple users. |
Adblock | https://0ms.dev/dns-adblock | Useful in restricted environments where installing blocklists is challenging. Download .mobileconfig for Apple users. |
CN Optimized | https://0ms.dev/dns-cn | Recommended for users in China and nearby countries. |
DNS64 Unfiltered | https://0ms.dev/dns64 | Support for IPv6-only networks. You should only enable DNS64 if you are managing or using an IPv6-only network. |
Accelerator | https://0ms.dev/dns/(your preferred DNS provider) | Fast and predictable DNS usage*, ensuring a smooth and reliable online experience with any DoH provider. This is useful if your DNS upstream is located far from your country. How to use: https://0ms.dev/dns/dns.google/dns-query |
Multiqueue | https://0ms.dev/mq/(your preferred DNS providers) | Adding multiqueue support to the Accelerator variant. You can specify more than one upstreams by adding /mq/between them. How to use: https://0ms.dev/mq/dns.google/dns-query/mq/freedns.controld.com/p0 |
Acceleratorvariant if you want to accelerate specific DNS providers.